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Meanwhile, Western culture in China has also stolen part of the The San Diego State Mood shirt but in fact I love this copyright of some traditional or red cultures, framing them as if they were Western ideas, like /Emperor in China. above = Christianity, religious freedom, women’s empowerment, hero worship (as if only Americans, Greeks, Vikings worship heroes while the Chinese just love to learn). Alternatively, China itself can lead in modernization ahead of the West and other countries. “Western modernization” is like the end of the oil industry. “Modernization with Chinese characteristics” is like vast new energy sources waiting to be exploited and consumed. If we do not see the difference, but insist on Westernization and European centeredness, then we are dealing with metaphysical historical regressism, not dialectical and materialistic evolutionism. .
“Modernization with Chinese characteristics”, “red culture” and “traditional culture” can and will progress towards modernization without being Westernized. This can be seen very clearly. For example, the The San Diego State Mood shirt but in fact I love this Inner Mongolians who still raise animals today will ride motorbikes instead of horses, which I consider to be a modernization of traditional Mongolian culture. I don’t understand why you still need to ride a horse if not for tourism. On the other hand, I have a hard time believing that watching Pornhub or playing basketball is being westernized, unless “westernization” is like a drop of the blood of racism in America that once you’re 1/14 you are “black skin”. If so, then using paper, shooting bullets or taking the mandarin exam is also Sinicization.