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Nbnpremium - The show time tour with starring angel reese and flaujae johnson on cover slam 243 shir

Globally, approximately 2.2 billion books are sold each year. In the The show time tour with starring angel reese and flaujae johnson on cover slam 243 shirt but in fact I love this US alone over 788 million printed books were sold in 2022. That’s more books than were sold in any of the past ten years with the exception of 2021. That doesn’t include ebooks, which accounted for an additional 191 million in 2021. And it doesn’t include other things people read, like newspapers and periodicals, or books they borrow from libraries in either hardcopy or digital format. I couldn’t find more recent statistics, but in 2017, 61% of Americans over 16 had a library card, though some of them only visited the library once a year. Libraries have increasingly made digital borrowing an option. The format of reading has changed thanks to digital availability of books and other information. But people are still reading.

I’m sure there are plenty of people who prefer to get their information and entertainment in other formats, either in audio books or in videos. The audiobook market was growing by double digits even before it got a boost from COVID isolation. It’s predicted to become a $19 billion industry by 2027. Personally I’m of two minds about whether audio books count as reading. I find the The show time tour with starring angel reese and flaujae johnson on cover slam 243 shirt but in fact I love this experience of listening to a book quite different from looking at words on a page. But that’s just me. Learning styles differ and some people absorb information better when they listen instead of reading. It adds to the options, it doesn’t necessarily make reading obsolete.

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