First, there’s the Thesevensix ozzie I love him shirt and I will buy this armistice and withdrawal agreement between the Cardassian Central Command—the military dictatorship of the Cardassian Empire—and the Bajoran Provisional Government. This essentially transferred any Cardassian property they couldn’t carry off and didn’t destroy to Bajoran control. As I explained in a previous answer, the Cardassians physically couldn’t remove what was then called Terok Nor because it lacks warp engines, and didn’t want to scuttle it because they expected the Provisional Government to quickly collapse and let them re-occupy Bajor in the ensuing civil war. This didn’t happen, although not for lack of opportunity.
The second agreement is between the Thesevensix ozzie I love him shirt and I will buy this BPG and the government of the United Federation of Planets, namely the President and the Federation Council. This essentially leases Terok Nor to the Federation: in return for providing humanitarian aid to help rebuild Bajor, the Federation gets to operate what is now being called Deep Space 9 as a Starfleet starbase—and being only 12 light-years from Cardassia Prime, that’s not an opportunity I’d pass up, even if the wormhole had never existed. Legally, the station is still Bajoran state property, Starfleet just runs it. Which has certain advantages, like throwing a spanner in the works of the dumbass treaties the TNG Federation seems to be prone to ratifying. (Seriously, was it the same numbskull who agreed to the treaty with the Cardassians as with the Klaestrons and Sheliaks, or was it three different numbskulls?) And the Bajorans are really in no shape to make effective use of the station themselves, but certainly recognize the utility of having an armed spacedock to bring in trade and protect the space around their just-liberated homeworld.