Congratulations on your new blog! I’m going to assume that by proper backlinks I mean ‘meaningful’ backlinks. The answer is actually very simple. Write absolutely stunning content to share. The users below also gave helpful advice on how to set up multiple social accounts. You want a platform that will amplify the This concert could have been an email shirt and I will buy this great content you want to create. 1 – Look at what has been done before and what has been successful. Take a look at other blogs in your industry, especially popular ones, and use tools like semrush, Moz, or Ahrefs to find out what the most popular content is. Write down the topic title and think about it. Could you please write a recent post on this topic? Can you produce something better? Or could you innovate a whole new post containing this kind of idea? 2 – Explore visual and video media. These are the most shared media types. If you can put together a really great video (tutorials, how-tos, Q&As, etc.), it’s great for people to share and link to. Infographics are great too, but they need to stand out. There are a lot of failed infographics out there, so you really have to differentiate yourself if you’re going this route.

3 – Contact other blogs in your niche to request a donation. This is really great for enhancing your expertise in the This concert could have been an email shirt and I will buy this industry. Contact media outlets operating in your industry and offer to write for them. Usually, they are more than happy to provide an author link back to your site, which can help drive traffic (and links!). Backlink strategy involves creating links from other websites to your blog. This will help increase the visibility and authority of your blog. It can also help increase traffic to your blog, as visitors will be redirected to your blog when they click on the link.