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For some people, fashion is something to stress about but on the Toledo rockets 2023 mac women’s college basketball conference tournament champions shirt But I will love this contrary, it should be fun and accessible. As it is fast-changing everyone should enjoy it. It is a way to express yourself and feel good about it. It is something that makes a person look beautiful and take risks, One should try new fashion styles and play with colors, styles, and designs. One should enjoy it. 1. The prices are too low that the people think that the garments are disposable. so is good to just throw them away after wearing it once. “The Huffington Post reports that the average American throws out 68 pounds of textiles per year” . Fashion is the second most contaminating industry in the world and off course is not only about the client, is also about how the clothes are produced.

2. Behind cheap clothes there are unethical labor practices to keep prices low. Countries like India and China are where most of the Toledo rockets 2023 mac women’s college basketball conference tournament champions shirt But I will love this clothes are produced, with people working in bad conditions (sweat shops) especially with not safe places to work, child exploitation, long working hours, bad salary and sometimes even slavery. 4 years ago the Rana plaza building collapsed in Bangladesh, more than 1000 people died and for that the fashion revolution movement was created. 3. People are expecting to pay less for his clothes and also to have new things every 2 weeks. That means that the small and medium business need to reduce their prices to survive and try to have new things, something that only huge companies can do.