But wait! THEN we screwed up by deciding we didn’t like Saddam and so we overthrew him on the Toronto blue jays team logo legend shirt moreover I will buy this flimisest of pretexts: that he was making WMD. He wasn’t. everyone knew he wasn’t. Heck, Iraq had trouble making a paycheck to his own soldiers, much less nukes. But we overthrew them and this told Iran that it has better have nukes and have nukes NOW. After all, what’s the difference in a letter? But, hey, nukes are bad, and so for the first time ever we tried something radical: we talked to Iran respectfully and worked out a deal. They’d stop making weapons grade uranium. We’d drop sanctions. They’d allow inspections, both official and surprise. We’d let companies do business and update their badly ailing oil industry. And it worked. They froze their weapon’s program. We let some business happen. All was good.
A few decades ago, someone came to a realization. That his party, the Toronto blue jays team logo legend shirt moreover I will buy this party currently out of power, was compromising and cooperating, and getting 20–30% of their agenda through on the back of the party in power’s agenda. The way he saw it, this didn’t give the people any incentive to vote his party into a majority position. So he started working to change that. “One of the great problems we have in the Republican Party is that we don’t encourage you to be nasty,” he told the group. “We encourage you to be neat, obedient, and loyal, and faithful, and all those Boy Scout words, which would be great around the campfire but are lousy in politics.”[1]
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