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At 25, I didn’t know how my life would shift and change, or how I would shift and change after her absence. I know more change is coming, and I grieve not having her here to share the Trophy eyes broken chain shirt besides I will buy this more “adult” parts of her life with me, and weigh in on mine. That’s the thing about knowing and sharing and learning with someone else: it comes in stages, not all at once. So as close as I considered myself to be with my mother, the older I get and the more life I experience, the more clearly I can see all that’s been missed.
Now that I’m officially a real grown-up (a 40-year-old with a husband, a dog, a mortgage, a child, and a business to run), I am being forced to reckon not so much with my own mortality, but with the Trophy eyes broken chain shirt besides I will buy this limits of knowing and the limitlessness of grief. How much do we really know about the ones we love? Particularly the ones we love who care for us? While I may have been one of my mother’s caretakers, she never stopped being my mother. She always offered advice, counsel, and comfort whenever needed, despite her own physical or emotional pain. I don’t know how hard it was for her to be sick. I don’t know what it was like for her to be a disabled parent. I know what I witnessed, but I can’t grasp the toll her illnesses took on her marriage to my father, or anyone else in her life.