And yes, Deep Space Nine was darker than previous Star Treks; and I was happy about that. One issue I always had with Star Trek was there was rarely a real threat to the Tucker carlson tucker is back pack shirt What’s more,I will buy this Federation. The Klingons were held back by the Organians; the Borg didn’t see the Federation as enough of a threat to just send a fleet to wipe it out… plot issues like that. But then… DS9 brought in the Dominion… an enemy who met Starfleet with superior technology… and a very similar dedication to its beliefs. And beliefs can keep people going when it shouldn’t. Watching our cast have to deal with real loss and real stakes made for more interesting of a show. And while some people might disagree with this, DS9 showed us something different. Sometimes, we have to compromise to save what we value… even if it goes against those values. Watching Sisko wrestle with what he did to get the Romulans into the war struck me on some many cords (Avery Brooks gives a master class in performance). The ends don’t always justify the means; but sometimes, the means have to give way to meet that end. And I think people should honestly think about how much they would be willing to compromise to keep the life they have… so, yes… darker Star Trek, but it still got you thinking.
It would have left the Tucker carlson tucker is back pack shirt What’s more,I will buy this Dominion leaderless, which could only be a good thing for the Federation. We saw in one episode that the death of a single Founder caused all the Jemhadar to commit suicide. If all the Founders were wiped out the entire Dominion military might just fly into the nearest sun. Of course the first season is a bit weaker, and there are a few bad apples among the later episodes as well, but overall it’s still good. You have ongoing arcs that allow complex storylines while most of the episodes still work as stand-alone episodes. You have recurring guest characters that make for more interesting character dynamics and also make the whole setup more believable.