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A few years after, a friend of mine got a VHS copy of the Vegas golden knights 2023 stanley cup champions locker room shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this shows I was on and converted them to digital format and posted them on the web (you can Google them — they’ve been copied around the ‘net a little but are easily found). My then-girlfriend-now-wife is still mortified to see them. Since I was on the show three days and won three bonus rounds, she got to run out and congratulate me three times — and they don’t tell friends/family to bring changes of clothes! So all three shows she’s in the same dress, a national TV fashion faux pas (if you ask her, anyway).
I got a call about 8 years after my shows aired — a voicemail, actually — asking if I’d be willing to talk to the Vegas golden knights 2023 stanley cup champions locker room shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this press about my appearance on the show. WoF was celebrating it’s 25th anniversary and they were wanting contestant quotes for some press releases they were doing. In retrospect, Wheel of Fortune was the thing that allowed me to quit a job I didn’t like, go back to school, get my Master’s degree in Computer Science and actually start a career. It allowed me to afford a respectable engagement ring for my girlfriend. It enabled me to give my parents a Hawaiian cruise for their 25th anniversary. It provided a downpayment on our first house. To say the experience was life-changing is an understatement.