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As he climbed the Virginia 2023 acc women’s basketball conference tournament champions shirt Apart from…,I will love this political ladder, he shared that vision with his party, and worked to mold them into fighters in that war. He encouraged new congressmen to not live in DC, and shortened the congressional work week to 3 days. This would ensure that the various elected officials spent less time together, and were less likely to have shared experiences with party members across the aisle, thus making them less likely to compromise, and more likely to be adversarial. And it worked. The Republican Revolution had begun. Seats were going red all across the country. He had discovered that the minority party could obstruct, and prevent the majority from governing. This would cause the people to blame the party in power, which led to the minority gaining seats. The result? I can’t give him all of the blame/credit. Democrats certainly didn’t help their own cause. They’ve seemed more willing to fight amongst themselves, while Republicans appear to reconcile much more quickly, and focus their efforts against Democrats.
But the Virginia 2023 acc women’s basketball conference tournament champions shirt Apart from…,I will love this Democrats were not entirely idle as this transition occurred. They saw how successful obstructionism was. They learned that lesson. The party in power tends to take the blame for ineffective government. Obstructionism is the name of the game now. The biggest enemy of US America are the politically illiterate, willfully stupid and criminally ignorant hate cultists who vote those people in. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the country or their own self interests, but rather only about owning the libs.