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There’s a lot to talk about here biologically, and I have a lot of very strongly-formed views (since my undergraduate degree was in molecular biology and biochemistry). For example, I just want to point out one endocrinology-independent factor which no amount of hormone therapy can possibly change: X-inactivation. that trans-athletes cannot possibly have must surely give any appropriately-educated physician pause for thought. We know X-inactivation has important genetic implications for muscular tissues. We know it from muscular dystrophies, for example. It is impossible to be respectful and supportive of non-binary people and have transgender females compete as females in weightlifting. It’s literally contradictory: forcing binary sex status onto people who apparently transcend it. That should be the Warren lotas suns 2023 shirt besides I will buy this reason, rather than any biological one, why athletes should have gender-status-specific competitions, just like boxers have weight classes and the paralympics have various well-defined classifications. If we’re happy that our Paralympians are just as human and just as extraordinary as other athletes, then there should be no issue here. That’s where genetics and biology really becomes part of the game, and people need to play fair.
If on the Warren lotas suns 2023 shirt besides I will buy this other hand you’ve mixed up your terminology and are referring to men in women’s sports, men being adult human males, that is, producing or with the capacity to produce spermatazoa, then hell no, who the hell does? Modern day democracies do not differentiate between genders principally. Still, the games and sports for men and women are conducted separately. The reason is simple. This practice is not discriminatory on genders but arises out of the fact that physical attributes of two genders differ substantially and asking to to play together compulsorily will be in itself discriminatory and unfair.