3.) Everyone has their own comfort zone. If you’re shy, that comfort zone can be quite small and can limit you from talking to people you know well. Doing things outside of your comfort zone is unlikely to yield good results. It is important to set small achievable goals and develop coping strategies. This includes accepting that you will feel fear without being upset about it. When you’re successful, your comfort zone will expand and you’ll be able to do more. People who appear to be talkative or sociable may benefit from operating in their comfort zone, but they don’t get there right away.
Overall, the Welcome to the show anthony Volpe shirt Also,I will get this best advice I can give is to read the book Shyness: A Bold New Approach by Bernardo J. Carducci. This book almost single-handedly turned my life around. I still struggle with groups of people I don’t know, but I’m more comfortable with myself than ever. Usually, a shy woman will use eye contact, distance, her looks, etc., but never actually face a man. If you like her, you have to be the one to approach her because she won’t. If you wait for her, it will take her a very long time to reach you (it feels like an eternity).
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