People love to lie. I’m not saying others are much better, but Americans love to be deceived. That’s why reality shows thrive and thugs like Joel Austin and Kenneth Copeland thrive. Then just speak ill of people of color, independent women, LGBTQ. OH!! make sure there are a lot of blondes on the What A Sad little Life Jane shirt Apart from…,I will love this news because they know the Nazis loved blondes. Yes, I believe they are constantly spreading fake news. It’s all propaganda. Everything they say is negative and untrue about our President…President Trump. They kept misquoting him in a negative way. They blamed him for everything. The corona virus is not his fault. Did he bring it to the United States? President Trump couldn’t have handled it better. If you’re looking for someone to blame, blame stupid Democratic governors and mayors for the way they handled the outbreak. These fake news channels make me very angry and disgusted. Makes me wonder if they love this country, the United States. News is provided by journalists, public relations specialists, press service, there are some investigative journalists, but mostly in major media, Reuters, AP, you will get these what has been published as an official statement. Sometimes fact-checking on the page, sometimes just reporting what they’ve been offered. There are local, national and national news, and they are different. The varying emphasis on certain aspects of the news, such as changes to the welfare system, is big news in some states with large numbers of retirees and not so important in others. where retirees are rich.

Breaking news is often desired by people who don’t like the What A Sad little Life Jane shirt Apart from…,I will love this bias or bias of what they see in the mass media, and there are websites that cater to that as well. But most people don’t believe it because these alternative media are using alternate facts and people guessing after a while. Unless they want to hear the echo of their own feelings. FoxNews is cable television and is offered to homes for 25% less than ABC, CBS, and NBC. FoxNews only broadcasts national/international news and opinion programming 24/7, while The Big Three broadcasts 2-5 hours a day of news (domestic/international), 1-4 hours of news programming. local news/views and entertainment programs. rest. Most news viewers only watch for about an hour, and many just want to watch local news; Cable news is also a niche market like most cable channels.