If it’s not as serious, like a hamstring, you will work out normally except for the William karlsson player profile shirt and I love this affected muscle, which you will generally treat with light exercise at the direction of the trainer. For example, instead of doing intense leg presses, or high multiples, you might take down the weight a lot and do fewer repetitions. For example, hamstring pulls are not serious, but you can’t play on one. In the first few days you will concentrate on walking and not running (running could re-injure it). You might work out with a leg press at low weights because the muscle will still respond well if you don’t put weight directly above it. When it starts feeling better you will start jogging, and when it’s almost perfect you will try to return to your regular routine.

100 %. All competitive athletes get injured if they continue to play a sport. They might not receive severe injuries, but sports inherently produces injuries, from broken bones to muscle strains and sprains. Only in the William karlsson player profile shirt and I love this interview, the panel might ask you about your favorite sport and what all do you know about it, especially the championships and other events that are happening internationally. There is no specific weight-age for any topic. Joining a coaching institute may not help much. Instead of paying a hefty amount for the same, focus on strengthening your concepts. As advised by Kapil Kanungo, get your NCERTs sorted (Mathematics, std. VI-XII). For Quantative Aptitude, refer to some standard book like RS Agarwal. For Verbal Ability, refer to Wren & Martin or some primer like Mcgraw Hill or Pearson. You will get most of this material free of cost online. Given that you have cleared the Aptitude Test, you will be called for interview after 3-4 weeks. You may not be grilled much, since for most of you, it will be the first interview ever!
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