In English-speaking countries, Eggna is the perfect name for a child you utterly hate, and whose life you want to make a complete misery from the teasing and humiliation she will receive. While I do personally agree with Noel Kelleher and their suggestion that doing so would make you look idiotic to me, a rando on the internet whose opinion shouldn’t matter to you, and the fact that your daughter would most likely want to change their name to something easier to pronounce and remember. I feel I need to ask ‘why?’ I only speak English so for all I know the name may be something perfectly reasonable to name a child, or at least be derived from such in another language. But as far as I can tell that name looks like the sort of thing you’d get as a random name an online forum might give you or something a twitch streamer might go by as an ONLINE name. Or like you just smacked your fingers against a keyboard and got something vaguely resembling a name. If it is to basically just give your child a unique and ‘interesting’ name then while that is your right as a parent, I would urge you to consider how naming your daughter that just sounds, as again a rando on the internet whose opinion shouldn’t matter too much, frankly stupid.
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